Let's build the interior design business that you             about.

What if you could finally launch your design business, making 6-figures on repeat, and turn your design passion into a profitable profession with zero stress? 

scroll to begin


I am ready!

As someone who started their business 20 years ago, with one single client that scaled to 6-figures my first year and later to a $1M business that continues to thrive, I've got you covered.. and I want to share my roadmap with you.

Nodding along so far??

Then you, my friend, are in the right place.

You want to grow your design business but you think it’s too complicated to set up yourself and don’t know how to charge people for your design work. 

Does this also sound familiar?

And at the end of the day, all you really want is a thriving design business— you see other designers living this dream every single day, and you’re frustrated that that’s not your reality yet.

It's too complicated.

You just want to create beautiful spaces and get paid to do it. But figuring out the business-end of things feels daunting and not your favorite part.

I'm a "creative".

You follow other designers on Instagram, scrolling allll the time, and deep down, it makes you worry you're not good enough to do this professionally and profitably.

Feeling insecure.

You would like to create a 6-figure income but don't know where to begin on pricing products or how to bill for your time. You think you need a complicated business plan to succeed. 

I can't scale. 

Believe me when I say I get it... because I’ve been exactly where you are right now.

I remember so clearly feeling the excitement mixed with overwhelm when signing my first client.
Mapping out the process and profit structure all while juggling project deadlines left me feeling like the wizard behind the curtain. Major imposter syndrome masked by pure determination to figure it out. With that determination and a lot of grit, I grew my business to 7- figures. (!)

After years of mentoring junior designers inside my studio, I decided that I wanted to share what I had learned and create a bigger impact.
Every designer that I've mentored inside my studio has launched their own successful design firm.

So I can tell you without a doubt...
You don’t need years of experience, a complicated business plan or a ton of money to build your business right now.

Now it's your turn.

You CAN book interior design clients on repeat without years of experience and without quitting your day job. 

You can turn your passion for design into
a 6-figure career this year even if you are starting from zero.

Let me            you how it's done.


SHOW ME how!

Just imagine what that would actually be like:

  • You are working on multiple client projects that paid you a large retainer upfront and LOVE your creative work! 

  • You are creating beautiful spaces, getting paid for your time and making thousands of dollars in commissions on your furniture sales. Cha-Ching!

  • You have your process set to make every proposal profitable and easy to manage from the first call to a perfect install.

  • You are fully booked with design projects that you must start a waitlist and hire an assistant to support you. 

  • Your amazing marketing strategy is working to grow your business and attract your ideal clients! 

From helping you map out your entire project process management to increasing your overall profit margin, I will teach you how to turn your designs into income and financial freedom.

Which can only be found inside of…

The Design Business Accelerator 

My proven blueprint to build your design business quickly and make 6- figures on repeat.

The Design Business Accelerator is the missing link that will help you turbo-boost your profitable design business stress-free. You get access to my proven methods, and all of the tools, strategies, accountability, AND support that you need to make your entrepreneurial dream a reality.


I’ve taken everything that I learned on my journey and put it into The Design Business Accelerator because it’s exactly what I wish I had when I was starting my business.

It’s my mission to help as many aspiring designers as possible fast-forward through the struggle of building their businesses by simply focusing on what works.

The Design Business Accelerator would have saved me SO MUCH time, energy and lost profit. I can’t wait for it to do the same for you.


I used to be exactly where you are... insecure about building a business and realizing my potential as an interior designer. Feeling uncomfortable charging a fee for my knack for putting rooms together and feeling like I couldn’t stack up to the many designers online and in magazines who seem to have it all figured out, and hustling hard trying to work for myself as a designer and business owner. 

I spent 20 YEARS doing allllll the things… taking design courses, testing different profit structures, trying different software programs, hiring a PR firm, incorporating my business, and working for hundreds of clients from all walks of life.... you name it, I did it.

I am ready!

Interior Designer 

"This was such a helpful course and saved a ton of trial and error. Learning exactly which software and programs you use was the most helpful for me. 
Thanks so much! I’m official 🙌🏼”

- Bianca Blanco-Jimenez

Interior Designer

I just finished all the modules of DBA program, the final wrap up video with the entire customer journey was
SUPER helpful!
Thank you for providing such good resources, I will be going back for references again and again."

Rutu Patel

Changing careers

I just wanted to say that I'm so grateful for all the content you've put together! Coming from a full-time working mom who is looking to change careers, this is such a great crash course in learning the ins and outs of how to get started!

Priya Singh


Here’s what you’ll learn on the inside:

Testimonials like these are exactly why I created THE DESIGN BUSINESS ACCELERATOR. You ready for results like this?


I’ll show you everything you need to know about making a 6-figure income as an interior designer. You’ll learn how to create client proposals, learn profitable markups with trade accounts, how to invoice for your time, and how to select the right software platform to track it all seamlessly and efficiently. I'm handing you my roadmap so you can reach your business goals faster.

First Up:


Combine the three columns from this chart here for each week! Watch the offer over-the-shoulder tutorial for an example of how to do this.

Module Name Goes Here


When you have a solid sales process in place, you’re able to move clients along efficiently, compress the sales cycle and boost profit from design concept to purchasing their goods. You'll learn my software and project management platforms to collect payments, process orders and tools to stay organized and streamline. Giving you more time to stay in your genius as an interior designer. 

If you don’t set the sales process up properly, you risk making mistakes on order details that can cost you dearly and leave your clients with the wrong goods or wrong sized sofa.  My templates and tutorial shows you how.


We’ll cover how to price your services and discuss fixed fee over hourly rates. After this lesson you can make sales confidently and turn a profit immediately.  


This one was a game-changer for my business.
When you set up your client work within a visual project management platform, (don't worry it's easier than it sounds!) you have all of your critical project information saved in one place. This will save you HOURS every day. If you still think you need a big team and tons of money to run a business, you won’t after you get your hands on this!

Streamline Projects


We’ll cover everything you need to know about naming and setting up your business legally, your tax ID and accounting software and bank account. I’ll show you step by step how to set up your business for success. You’ll be ready to take on your first client!

When your business is set up correctly and equipped with the proper foundation, you will avoid costly accounting and tax filing mistakes in the future. You’ll be ready to invoice your first client with confidence knowing you have the right back-up in place to protect your business from the start.

It's all in the name

Here's what you can expect


We'll dive into design agreements, client contracts and business insurance. You’ll learn everything you need to know to have a rock solid client agreement in place on day one and how to protect your business when things go sideways. I'll even show you a shortcut.

Getting Legal


I’ll show you how to create a website and online presence so ideal clients can find you today. You’ll learn how to set up a landing page that converts with your business domain name for instant visibility. You'll learn how to create a logo and kickstart your Instagram game.

Marketing 101


You'll learn everything you need to know about how I made a 6-figures in my first year as an interior designer. You’ll learn how to create client proposals, profitable markups with trade accounts, how to price your design fees, and select the right software so you can work smarter not harder.

6-Figure Income Strategy

Group Coaching Call to ask questions and boost your business!

Group Live Coaching Call

A business workbook to keep you on track.
Our proposal worksheet will guide you to price goods to the trade and create profitable client proposals. 
FAQ template for prospective clients to streamline onboarding.And links after each lesson to fast-track your progress. 

Materials & Resources

 Email me with any questions along the way.

Replies within 24-48 hours weekdays.

Daily Email Support

Enroll now and get the smartphone photography mini course for FREE!!
One lesson teaches you how to take professional photos on your smartphone with professional interior design photographer Linda Holt. 


Take Professional Portfolio Photos with your SmartPHONE and save thousands on photography fees.

does this sound amazing or what?



peace of mind with a proven process from first call to install

Imagine how it would feel to have:

increased profit on every project

complete confidence knowing exactly How to maximize your Income as an interior designer

systems that can handle more projects without more effort.
scale your income without working harder.

design as your focus and be out of the weeds on process and busywork

A Roadmap with checklists and templates that will save you MONTHS of time and give you shortcuts to grow today

Yes I want this!

Here’s Everything You Get Access To

6 program modules - my proven blueprint to launch + build
(with short 5 min video lessons)
Bonus Mini-Course on Smartphone Photography

Lifetime access to all recordings and materials + templates.

Workbook, links, drag-and-drop resources and bonus photography package to get your website and Insta sizzling.

Email support Monday-Friday 9a-4p

Scroll to the bottom of this page and enter your contact information to sign up.

Let's do this!

Step 01:

Within 15 minutes you will receive an email from me with login instructions.

Step 02:

Log into the program, roll up your sleeves and get ready to build your 6-figure business!!

Step 03:

Smartphone portfolio Builder


Workbook, templates + live Coaching CAll

6 program modules - my proven blueprint to launch


Limited Time Offer

The Design Business Accelerator

the investment


Get everything inside the Design Business Accelerator plus a group coaching call for as little as $39 a month when you join with Afterpay.

We're talking a whole business plan in your hands ready to scale for less than the cost of your monthly coffee runs.
How's that percolating? An easy YES!

pay over time

best value!

Wouldn't it be great to know you're doing it all right from the beginning to protect yourself and learn how to build a more profitable business and the business you want on your own terms?

Join The Design Business Accelerator and let me show you how.

the investment IS in YOU


You know which option I’m voting for Because...

In 2 weeks, you could be doubling your investment on this course and booking design clients on repeat which means you’ve already completed the necessary steps to make a profit working as a designer. 
In 2 months, you could be photographing your first project which means you’re getting paid to do the design work you love and marketing that project to bring in even dreamier projects. 
And in a year, you could be making a 6-figure income, working on multiple projects and getting your work published.  

But that’s ONLY IF you choose option 2 and get my proven blueprint to launch your design business stress-free with all of the tools, strategies, accountability, AND support that you need to make your dreams a reality inside The Design Business Accelerator. 

Now you’ve got two choices:

Close this page and keep doing what you’ve been doing and only dream about what being a 6-figure interior designer actually feels like.


Enroll in The Design Business Accelerator and take the first step towards actually building your business. 


If you’re all the way at the bottom of this page, it means you’re having a hard time deciding whether or not the Design Business Accelerator is right for you.

Here’s exactly how to know:

  • You have dreamed of working as a designer. You have no idea how to build a business and want to get rolling today without a hassle.
  • You’ve already helped friends (or yourself!) design spaces and received positive feedback on your results! 
  • Are 2 years into your design business and have not reached 6-figures yet.
  • You have 1 hour a week to dedicate to the program.

The DEsign business accelerator is for you:

  • You don’t need or want to make additional income. 
  • You haven’t tried to design spaces for anyone yet.
  • You’re not creative or like designing rooms in your head. 
  • You don’t have 1 hour a week to dedicate to the program.

The Design Business Accelerator isn't for you:

If you read through that list and you’re STILL unsure...

I encourage you to close your eyes and imagine the life you’ll have when you finally trust your design instincts to take that leap into a creative career change. What would making $100K+ doing what you love actually feel like?

Envision waking up to your inbox full of exciting projects to work on with clients who value your expertise. Imagine what you'd do with that extra income in your bank account. Imagine the pride you feel building a business around your talent on your terms.

So, what do you say??

Are you ready to build your 6-figure design business?

i'm so ready!